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The Support You’ve Always Wanted Is Available To You.

Anything Is Possible When You Have Help.

GUIDENESS is more than just a platform. We are your TEAM. We help you develop, market, strategize, manage and execute on your vision.

Want to build an EMPIRE? Guideness can help.

Who We Are

Guideness is a full service premium content platform and entrepreneurial partner. Our mission is to support creator independence and to help YOU take control of your audience, content, and financial success. Join a community of passionate wellness focused Guides!

Kevin Carnell profile image Alexa Silvaggio profile image Brodney McClinton profile image Court Vox profile image
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Build Multiple Revenue Streams
& Own Your Audience

People like options. When it comes to improving your life, most want the option to try something out, and then if they like it, add on to that experience. We always encourage our guides to create multiple products. This allows you to hit each customer base depending on their financial capabilities & commitment level.

If you only rely on social media for your marketing and customer growth, you will never truly own your audience–Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok will. You will always be at the mercy of those platforms. Take control of your future. Our platform can do this for you.

Custom Experiences

No 1 Size Fits All Model

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Unlike other platforms, where you must plug and play your content to fit their layout, our options are flexible and always improving! Choose your own aesthetic, create multiple unique offerings: workshops, subscriptions, ecommerce, one off experiences, events, one on one subscriptions. YOU get to choose what, when, and the price.


You can’t build authentic relationships through comments on social media. It’s a mostly one–way experience. With our platform, you have the chance to create community discussions on topics you choose, poll or survey for immediate feedback, and allow your users to get to know each other in a members only environment.

Compare To Other Platforms

Features Guideness logo Playbook Lenus Trainerize
Access to your user base & data checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon
Access to user email, phone number, timezone, social handle, usage checkmark icon red X icon red X icon checkmark icon
Join network of other Guides for potential new business checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon
Branded landing page & programming checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon
Ability to offer custom non templatized programming no limit checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
Guided Experiences - Control pacing, ability to send content at specific times, use of text & email throughout. checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
Notes & commenting features checkmark icon checkmark icon red X icon red X icon
Ability to send polls & surveys checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
In platform community building, no need for a facebook group checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon
Direct conversation through comments or private discussions checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon checkmark icon
Team to build out your program as you like it checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
Team to test your offering checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
Input on new features added checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
In platform email marketing & tracking managed by your team checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
In platform text marketing with custom phone number managed by your team checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
Host events & sell tickets checkmark icon red X icon red X icon red X icon
Ecommerce Accelerator managed by your team checkmark icon
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Cut the cord on paying for multiple platforms. You can do everything with Guideness.

How Your Guideness Team Helps

You’re not alone! We help you with just about every aspect of your business so you can focus on your users and provide them the best coaching possible.

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Platform Support & Content Management

Build your programs on a custom platform to best suit your users’ needs with robust platform support and content management.

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User Management & Community

We provide support to keep your users engaged & happy, and we provide strategies to encourage lasting relationships on and off the platform.

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Marketing Support

Expand your digital marketing across new channels: email, sms, social, and paid.

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Access to Creative Team

Receive help across design, editing & copywriting for all your marketing needs. Provide your audience with a way to interact with your content that is fully branded and customized to your aesthetic.

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Business Strategy & Development

Get help developing your entrepreneurial roadmap and create the brand vision of your dreams.

Ready to build your empire? Guideness can help.

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Guided Experiences

Allow your audience to start when they are ready. Guide your users through personalized experiences with texts, emails, and reminders that you control.

How To Work With Us


Submit why you think you would be a good fit to work with us.

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If you’re a match, we will set up an intro call to get to know each other, make sure we’re a good fit, and talk through what you want to launch—blue sky thinking encouraged!

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Sign contract & get to work on launching your offering & first experience.

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What We’re Looking For:

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    Must be an expert within a specialized modality that improves people's lives.

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    Must have an engaged audience in that modality.

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    Passionate about what you offer and ready for the right content partner.

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    Must have experience filming what you do to camera.

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    Must have proof of previous teaching experience.

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    Excited to be a part of a creative community with other like minded individuals.

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    Sees their offering as a business opportunity and ready to put in the work.

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    Believes that everyone is welcome to join their program.

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    Must have proven experience being a digital creator and willing to promote their business.

Tell us more about who you are, what you do, and why you think you'd be a great fit to join Guideness!

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Sign Up To Be A Guide

By signing up, you agree to Guideness's Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.